duration: 40 minutes
cancellation_summary: Full refund no later than 48 hours before availability begins
meeting_point: Calle de las Huertas, 39
min_age: 10
max_age: 99
group_size: private from 1 to 24 divided into subgroups of 8
accessibility: None
pricing: From 2 people: 25€
A single person, individual tour: 35€
description: Express tour to get in touch with the segway. We teach you how to ride and explore the Barrio de las Letras, famous in Madrid for being the nerve center of writers and actors, during the golden age. We will visit and see the Plaza de Santa Ana, its Spanish theater, the Convento de las Trinitarias, the original house of Lope de Vega, the Casa de Cervantes, the vertical garden of
A quick and very entertaining tour, you'll know little by little.
what_is_included: - Segway
- Monitor
- Helmet
- Training
- RC insurance
what_is_not_included: Everyone should be able to get on and off the computer on their own.
itinerary: - Vertical garden
- Porta Convento de las Trinitarias
- Quevedo Street
- Cervantes Street, Casa de Cervantes and Lope de Vega
- Medinaceli Church of Christ
- Santa Ana Square
highlights: A connection with the segway at an affordable price.
check_in_details: None
what_to_bring: Comfortable footwear
Sun protection in summer
Warm clothing in winter, raincoats, etc.
Winter Gloves
special_requirements: Children under 10 years old accompanied by an adult.
Single teenagers from 15 years old.
restrictions: Prohibited for pregnant people.
Every user must be able to get on or off the computer on their own.
extras: None
disclaimers: Once the training has been received and the route has started, you must return to the meeting point. If there are any incidents caused by the segway user, the company is exempt from liability, unless the problem is with the equipment
faqs: * What happens if it rains? If it rains, the activity is not canceled, we recommend wearing appropriate clothing, otherwise we have ponchos.
We will evaluate the intensity to cancel or change the date.
We recommend comfortable footwear.